Pi Coin Will Be One Of Online Payment Means

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Pi98 shopping mall – Pi Coin will be one of the means of payment in the future. Pi’s success is purely happening today. The Pi Core Team (PCT) vision for a project is long and perhaps longer than a lifetime.

Pi Coin Will Be One Of The Online Payment Tools

After June 28, many people can move the pi from the counter to the Mainnet wallet and unlock it after 14 days (from June 28 to July 12). Pi transactions occur and gradually form the value of Pi. This means, the Pi has succeeded to some extent.

Similar to paper money (Fiat), it is basically just a piece of paper and will be of no value if the country and its communities do not accept it. From the very beginning, when people used shells, gold, and silver as a medium of exchange, it was the same thing. The Pi Network wants the Pi coin to do the same with the shell.

The Pi Network Ecosystem will allow Pi coins to pay Online easily

In the Brainstorm Pi Browers section, there are already applications in the Pi Hackathon project that were ported to Mainet such as the Pi chain mall, Pi Bater Mall is ready to integrate the SDK (Software Development Kit) to be able to pay with the Pi without the need to pay manually switch.


This allows other 3rd parties to have the opportunity to participate in the Pi ecosystem like Amazon, Shopee, Tiki…if they wish to participate.

The goal of PCT is for as many people as possible to participate in the ecosystem. If so, the capitalization of Pi will be larger, thus forming a better and clearer value of Pi.


Instead of ending

So OKPI has sent everyone its personal analysis of the Pi Network project. According to Thang, Pi’s success isn’t something that needs to be discussed further, just how explosive it is.

When you buy from an intermediary (with SDK integration), you can rest assured that the amount you paid has not been transferred to the seller immediately. This will be transferred to the seller if and only if you confirm receipt of the goods and the goods are not damaged.

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