How to make Indian chicken curry – irresistibly delicious

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How to Make Indian Chicken Curry – a dish often prepared for gatherings and feasts. This is a flavorful and nutritious dish that many people love. This Indian-style chicken curry recipe is also very simple with familiar ingredients that come together to create a uniquely enticing dish. Have you learned how to make Indian curry yet? Let’s explore how to prepare this dish with Piinves right away!

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How to Make Indian-Style Chicken Curry

How to cook simple Indian chicken curry
How to cook simple Indian chicken curry

Preparing the Ingredients for Indian Chicken Curry Chicken:

  • 1 whole (approximately 1.2 kg)
  • Yellow potatoes: 200g
  • Fresh coconut milk: 200ml Dried onions, garlic, chili powder, lemongrass, cornstarch (can be substituted with arrowroot or cornstarch) 
  • Curry powder: 1 packet 
  • Curry sauce: 1 packet 
  • Other seasonings: MSG (optional), chicken bouillon powder, fish sauce, salt, etc.
Ingredients for Indian chicken curry

How to Make Indian-Style Chicken Curry

Step 1: Preparing the Ingredients

Prepare chicken meat
Prepare chicken meat
If using live chicken:
  • First, boil a pot of water and dip the chicken into it. Then, remove the chicken and use a bowl to catch the chicken blood. After all the blood has drained, dip the chicken into the boiling water again. The high temperature makes it easier to remove the feathers. Pluck all the feathers, then open the chicken’s abdomen and remove all the internal organs. Rub salt all over the chicken and its internal organs. Clean the internal organs thoroughly. Next, wash the meat with clean water and cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces.
If using pre-prepared chicken:
  • When you bring the chicken home, simply rub salt all over it to remove any odors. Then, cut the chicken into suitable pieces and briefly blanch it in boiling water to remove any impurities. Remove it from the water, rinse it with clean water, and let it drain.

Yellow potatoes: Wash the potatoes thoroughly and drain them in a basket. The size of each potato determines the cutting method. If the potatoes are large, cut them into quarters; if they are small, cut them in half. You can slice them lengthwise first and then cut them into short round pieces. You can substitute yellow potatoes with other types of root vegetables like sweet potatoes, butternut squash, carrots, or cook them all together for added flavor.

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Chop the onions and garlic into small pieces
Chop the onions and garlic into small pieces

Dried onions, garlic: Peel and crush them, then finely mince.

Step 2: Cooking Delicious Indian Chicken Curry

Fry onions and make marinade
Fry onions and make marinade


The mixture is complete
The mixture is complete
  • Marinating the chicken: Marinate the chicken with minced garlic, minced onion, sliced chili, chili powder, chicken stock, fish sauce, and sugar. Mix well to ensure the chicken absorbs the flavors.
  • Frying the potatoes: Heat oil in a pan, then add the potatoes and fry until they turn golden and cooked. Prepare a plate with paper towels to absorb excess oil, then transfer the fried potatoes to the plate.
    Start making Indian chicken curry
    Start making Indian chicken curry
  • Sautéing the chicken: Add the marinated chicken to the pan and cook over medium heat, stirring until the chicken pieces firm up. Add a small amount of water (just enough to cover the bottom of the pan) and simmer until the chicken is cooked.
    Add chicken and stir-fry well
    Add chicken and stir-fry well
    Add water and simmer
    Add water and simmer
  • Making Indian Chicken Curry: Once the chicken is cooked, add one packet of curry sauce and adjust the seasoning to taste. Then, mix one spoon of cornstarch with water and stir until the sauce thickens. Finally, add the fried potatoes and other vegetables, and simmer for an additional 10 minutes before turning off the heat.

Step 3: Enjoying the Dish

Serve the Indian Chicken Curry in a bowl, garnish with fresh herbs to add color and flavor. This flavorful and aromatic dish with sweet and savory vegetables and tender, delicious chicken will captivate you and your family from the very first bite. You can enjoy it with hot rice or dip some bread; it’s equally delightful. Don’t forget to savor the rich and hearty curry sauce – it’s truly amazing!

Enjoy super delicious Indian chicken curry
Enjoy super delicious Indian chicken curry

Notes and Tips for Making Indian Chicken Curry

Making Indian Chicken Curry is relatively simple, but there are some tips to keep in mind when selecting chicken and during the cooking process to ensure everyone loves it.

For a delicious Indian chicken curry
For a delicious Indian chicken curry
  1. First, it’s best to choose free-range native chickens, as their meat is firmer, more flavorful, and richer than industrially raised chicken.
  2. Second, use the chicken thigh portion for cooking because the meat in this area is tender and undoubtedly the most delicious part of the chicken. Avoid using the breast portion as it tends to be drier and less flavorful. Chicken thighs are easier to debone and cut into pieces. However, you can still use meat from other parts of the chicken.
  3. Third, for a more visually appealing dish with evenly cooked meat, consider cutting the chicken into 1.5 x 1.5 cm pieces. Similarly, cut the vegetables into uniform sizes. For potatoes and sweet potatoes, you can soak them in cold water after slicing to prevent discoloration during cooking.
  4. Fourth, when seasoning the chicken, be cautious not to over-season, as it can be challenging to correct if the flavor becomes too intense.
  5. Finally, enjoy your Indian Chicken Curry with rice, noodles, or bread, dipping them in the rich curry sauce for a delightful meal.

The above is the authentic method of making Indian Chicken Curry, and in less than 30 minutes, you can savor this incredibly delicious Indian dish in Vietnam. Rest assured that this dish will leave an unforgettable impression with its unique aroma and flavor of good curry. This cooking method is relatively straightforward, isn’t it? Wishing you success in making Indian Chicken Curry!

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