Pi network – Instructions to quickly fix 100% suspended KYC

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KYC Pi suspension has caused users to miss many opportunities to increase profits during coin mining periods. If you’re facing the same issue, refer to the information below from Crypto Invest to learn the easiest way to re-verify KYC for Pi Network.

Why is your KYC suspended?

The reasons for KYC Pi suspension can be explained by the following factors, according to information from the Pi Core Team:

  • Server overload: When too many users perform KYC simultaneously, the server system may become overloaded, struggling to process the requests. This can lead to KYC suspension.
  • Network and Internet connection issues: Unstable network connections or internet problems can disrupt the process of sending and verifying KYC information.
  • Device errors: If your device (phone) encounters software or hardware issues, runs out of battery, or faces other problems, it can disrupt the KYC process and lead to suspension.
  • Incorrect operations: If you perform incorrect actions or miss a crucial step during KYC, it can also lead to KYC suspension.
  • Verification errors: Verification information processes may encounter errors or get suspended, preventing the completion of KYC and keeping it under review.

How to resolve KYC Pi suspension

To successfully resolve this issue, individuals can write a letter and send it to the support team. This process demands accurate and detailed information for the KYC support team to assist you effectively. Here are the steps you can follow:

  • Step 1: Access the Pi app, on the main screen, click on the Menu on the left side, and select Support Hub.
  • Step 2: Click on KYC in Email Request in the browser window.
  • Step 3: Enter the email associated with your account.
  • Step 4: Enter your Pi account username.
  • Step 5: Enter your country name.
  • Step 6: Choose the correct operating system of the phone you’re using to mine Pi, either IOS or Android. Then enter the version of the operating system and the phone model.
  • Step 7: Specify the exact issue during the KYC process. Identify the error you encountered during KYC and click on the appropriate option corresponding to your issue. If you didn’t face any issues, select NONE.
  • Step 8: Click on the issue you faced after submitting the KYC form.
  • Step 9: Click on other reasons for KYC suspension.
  • Step 10: Write the content of the KYC re-submission email.

Describe the KYC issue you’re facing in detail. You can write in either Vietnamese or English, but it’s best to translate it into English for the best support. You can refer to the following template:

“Dear Pi Core Team,

Every day I look forward to getting a KYC slot.

Luckily, on the day…month…year….. I received the KYC notice.

But when I get to step…… It can’t work anymore and error message.

Hope Pi Core Team consider and solves the problem for me. Thanks”

  • Step 11: Attach images of the KYC issue you’re facing: KYC suspension status.
  • Step 12: Click on Send to submit your KYC re-submission request. After successfully sending the email, you will receive a notification email from the Pi Core Team regarding whether the issue has been resolved or not.

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